Script to monitor RMAN status, while a backup is running with details

Script to monitor RMAN status, while a backup is running with देतैल्स

SELECT dbfiles||' from '||numfiles "Datafiles backed up",
cfiles "Control Files backed up", spfiles "SPFiles backed up"
FROM (select count(*) numfiles from sys.v_$datafile),
(select count(*) dbfiles
from sys.v_$backup_datafile a, sys.v_$datafile b
where a.file# = b.file#
and a.completion_time > sysdate - 1),
(select count(*) cfiles from sys.v_$backup_datafile
where file# = 0 and completion_time > sysdate - 1),
(select count(*) spfiles from sys.v_$backup_spfile
where completion_time > sysdate - 1)

-- Archlog Files Backed up during past 24 Hours

SELECT backedup||' from '||archived "Archlog files backed up",
ondisk "Archlog files still on disk"
FROM (select count(*) archived
from sys.v_$archived_log where completion_time > sysdate - 1),
(select count(*) backedup from sys.v_$archived_log
where backup_count > 0
and completion_time > sysdate - 1),
(select count(*) ondisk from sys.v_$archived_log
where archived = 'YES' and deleted = 'NO')

-- RMAN Backups Still Running:

SELECT to_char(start_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') "BACKUP STARTED",
sofar, totalwork,
elapsed_seconds/60 "ELAPSE (Min)",
round(sofar/totalwork*100,2) "Complete%"
FROM sys.v_$session_longops
WHERE compnam = 'dbms_backup_restore'


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