Working with Sql*plus Scripts

Running Sql Scripts
To run a sql scripts in Sql*plus use @ or @@ or start command. To run a script named C:\test.sql use,
start c:\test

In addition,
CLEAR BUFFER (CL BUFF): Will clear buffer, i.e delete all lines from the Sql buffer.

To insert a line before line 1, enter a zero ("0") and follow the zero with text.
0 SELECT Username

Placing comments in Sql Scripts
1)Using Sql*plus REMARK command: If a line starts with REMARK rest words of the line are considered as comment and hence ignored to compile. This is applied to single line only.
REMARK This script will generate the salary history
REM This script is generated on 11/01/2008

2)Using /*...*/: In order to comment multiple lines start with /* and until it gets */ entire commands inside it are considered as comments. With /*...*/ you can also comment a single line.
You must enter a space after the slash-asterisk(/*).
/* Column Salary for 9999
Column Name for a30

3)Using --: You can use ANSI/ISO "- -" style comments within SQL statements, PL/SQL blocks, or SQL*Plus commands. This comment cannot span multiple lines.
To span it multiple lines start each line with --.
--This is a comment.

Issues while placing comments in Sql Scripts

SQL*Plus does not have a SQL or PL/SQL command parser.

It scans the first few keywords of each new statement to determine the command type, whether it is SQL, PL/SQL or SQL*Plus.

Comments in some locations can prevent SQL*Plus from correctly identifying the command type, and thus give unexpected results.

1)Do not put comments within the first few keywords of a statement. Beow is an example. In first case I commented before procedure keyword and thus PL/SQL block terminates before it is expected and in the second case, it is successfully created because of right select for comment.

SQL> create or replace
2 /* This is a comment */
3 procedure test_proc as
4 begin
5 dbms_output.put_line('Test Comment');

Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.

SQL> end;
SP2-0042: unknown command "end" - rest of line ignored.
SQL> /

Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.

SQL> create or replace procedure
2 /* This is a comment */
3 test_proc as
4 begin
5 dbms_output.put_line('Test Comment');
6 end;
7 /

Procedure created.

2)Do not put comments after statement terminators (period, semicolon or slash).
SQL> select sysdate from dual; --This is a comment
SQL> /
select sysdate from dual; --This is a comment
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00911: invalid character

3)Don't put statement termination character at the end of the comment. For example,
select sysdate
--This is comment;
from dual;

statement will fail because statement termination occurs in the comments.
SQL> select sysdate from dual; --This is a comment
SQL> /
select sysdate from dual; --This is a comment
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00911: invalid character

SQL> select sysdate
2 --This is comment;
--This is comment
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

SQL> from dual;
SP2-0042: unknown command "from dual" - rest of line ignored.

However, if we omit semicolon from comment then statement successfully executed.
SQL> select sysdate
2 --This is comment
3 from dual;


4)Do not use ampersand characters '&' in comments in a SQL statement or PL/SQL
block. Because & is identified as substitution variable unless if you set SET DEFINE OFF to prevent scanning for the substitution character.

SQL> select sysdate
2 --Comment &
3 from dual;

SP2-0317: expected symbol name is missing


SQL> set define off
SQL> select sysdate
2 --Comment &
3 from dual;



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