The LIST, REPORT, and DELETE Commands in RMAN

List Command:------------------The LIST command uses RMAN repository information and provide lists of backups, archived logs, and database incarnations.Output of LIST command can be filtered BY BACKUP and BY FILE option.1)RMAN> list backup; #List all your backup sets.2)RMAN>LIST BACKUPSET; #Lists only backup sets and proxy copies.3)RMAN>LIST COPY; #Lists of Image copies and Archive Logs.4)RMAN>LIST EXPIRED BACKUP; #Backups did not found after crosscheck. That is backup is manually moved or deleted from OS.5)RMAN>LIST BACKUP BY FILE; #List backup by Datafile, controlfile, spfile.6)RMAN>LIST BACKUP SUMMARY; #Lists backup sets, proxy copies, and disk copies.7)LIST BACKUP OF DATABASE; LIST BACKUP LIKE '/tmp/%'; list backup of datafile 1; LIST ARCHIVELOG ALL BACKED UP 2 TIMES TO DEVICE TYPE sbt;LIST COPY OF DATAFILE 2 COMPLETED BETWEEN '17-MAR-2008' AND '22-MAR-2008'; are also available.8) LIST INCARNATION; LIST INCARNATION OF DATABASE; to see the incarnations of your database.Report Command:-------------------RMAN REPORT command analyzes the available backups and return results about while files need backup which files are obsolete etc. Remember the result of REPORT command is based on repository data. So, if backups have been deleted from disk or tape outside of RMAN, reports generated by RMAN do not automatically reflect these changes.So before report it is good to run CROSSCHECK of all backup in order to update repository.1)REPORT NEED BACKUP; # Determine which database files need backup under a specific retention policy.2)REPORT UNRECOVERABLE; #Report which database files require backup because they have been affected by some NOLOGGING operation.3)REPORT SCHEMA; #Lists and displays information about the database files.4)REPORT OBSOLETE; #REPORT OBSOLETE displays the backups that are obsolete according to the current retention policy.5)REPORT NEED BACKUP RECOVERY WINDOW OF 2 DAYS DATABASE SKIP TABLESPACE data01;If you use Recovery Catalog then past data can be shown.Like, REPORT SCHEMA AT TIME 'SYSDATE-10';Delete Command:--------------------Delete commands is used to delete any backup or backupsets.1)Delete all your backup sets RMAN> delete backupset all;2)Delete all image copies. RMAN> delete copy all;3)Delete obsolete Backups. RMAN>DELETE OBSOLETE;


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