Various RMAN Backup Commands.

1)Full Database Backup:------------------------------RMAN>BACKUP DATABASE;2)Individual Tablespaces Backup:------------------------------------To Backup tablespace data01 and data02 only to tape,BACKUP DEVICE TYPE sbt TABLESPACE data01,data02;3)Individual Datafiles and Datafile Copies with RMAN--------------------------------------------------------------To Backup datafile 1 through 4 to tape and to backup datafile system01.dbf located in /oradata from disk to tape use the following,BACKUP DEVICE TYPE sbt DATAFILE 1,2,3,4 DATAFILECOPY '/oradata/system01.dbf';4)Backing Up Control Files---------------------------------•If CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP is ON (by default it is OFF), then RMAN automatically backs up the control file and server parameter file after every backup and after database structural changes.•Manually controlfile can be backed up by BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE;•Also manually it is backed up when we use BACKUP TABLESPACE users INCLUDE CURRENT CONTROLFILE;•Manually, when we back up datafile 1, RMAN automatically includes the control file and SPFILE in backups of datafile 1. But if the control file block size is not the same as the block size for datafile 1, then the control file cannot be written into the same backup set as the datafile. RMAN writes the control file into a backup set by itself if the block size is different.•When controlfile is backed up manually (the above three), the only RMAN repository data for backups within the current RMAN session is in the control file backup, and also a manually backed-up control file cannot be automatically restored.5)Backing Up SP Files:------------------------------•If CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP is ON (by default it is OFF), then RMAN automatically backs up the control file and server parameter file after every backup and after database structural changes.•Explicitly SPfile can be backed up by BACKUP SPFILE;•If database is not started with SPfile then SPfile can't be backed up.6)Backing Up Archived Redo Logs------------------------------------------BACKUP ARCHIVE ALL DELETE INPUT;-This command will backup just one archivelog and delete just one log archive destination.BACKUP ARCHIVE ALL DELETE ALL INPUT;-This command will backup just one archivelog and delete all log archive destination.BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG;-This command backs up the database and all archived logs.-If CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION ON is set then RMAN skips backups of archived logs that have already been backed up to the specified device.


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